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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

2 Things

are going on these days:

1. I am experiencing that lovely post-partum shed-- my hair is EVERYWHERE! At least once a day Wilson comes up to me with that "help me, momma" look on his face while sticking his tongue out trying to get a hair out of his mouth... GROSS!!!! This unfortunate rite of passage means it has been about 4 months since Alexandria was born, and I have only posted a few times since she was about a month old. However...

2. Alexandria is sleeping through the night!!!!!!!! Wilson spoiled us rotten sleeping thru at 9 weeks... Alexandria had no such intention. It has been quite the (exhausting) experience getting to where we are today, at 4 months old-- I never thought I would have to endure an hour and a half of crying from 3-4:30am to get here, but thank goodness that was only one night. The next night was 10 minutes of light fussing, and then... nada! No wakie uppie! Hooray!

SO, my intention is to post more regularly again... now that I shouldn't have to go to bed at 8:00 at night.... and I am seriously ready for a girls' night out!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yay, Rossi! It is good to see you back! I have been thinking about you lately, wondering where you had gone... we haven't seen you in ages. I'm glad you are finally getting rest and hope that everything else is going well!!